We Eat Responsibly

Slovakia, Latvia, Malta, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Poland and Romania

The We Eat Responsibly project supports eco-schools in nine EU countries (Slovakia, Latvia, Malta, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Poland, and Romania) in exploring ways to make more responsible food choices. The world population is growing rapidly, and by 2050, with the same planet, we will have to feed nearly four times more people than a century before. From that perspective, food is no longer just a personal matter. The choices we make regarding our food already have direct or indirect consequences on the climate, on the use of resources like water and land and on people’s ability to feed themselves and live decent lives here and abroad.

We Eat Responsibly objectives are: (i) education for sustainable development; (ii) active students exploring the connection between global and local topics; (iii) active teachers empowering society to become active world citizens; (iv) involvement of local community; (v) sharing inspirations; (vi) publish methodology, lessons and publication  materials on how our food changes the world.

Project website here . 


Glopolis, o.p.s.
Soukenická 1189/23
110 00 Prague 1
Czech Republic

E-mail: cajkova@glopolis.org