Eco-Schools Materials

Most Eco-Schools material is produced at the national level by the Eco-Schools National Operators.  Below you can find material produced by Eco-Schools International and other relevant resources.


Eco-Schools as a Whole School Approach

The Eco-Schools programme supports the four dimensions of the whole-school approach defined by UNESCO as essential elements of a Green School Accreditation:

  • School Governance

  • Teaching and Learning

  • Facilities and Operations

  • Community Partnership

Download the leaflet in English here.

Curricular Framework.PNG

Curricular Framework for Advancing Circular Economy

The framework is intended to support curricular developers in integrating concepts linked to Circular Economy into teaching, including in the educational standards that guide the curriculum and in the content used to engage educators and students in the classroom and beyond.

Download the framework in PDF here.

Positive Actions for the Sustainable Development Goals

A publication about Positive Actions, SDGs Case Studies and the Eco-Schools Handprint.

Also available in Spanish, Turkish, and Arabic.


Changing Together

Eco-Schools 1994-2019

This publication is dedicated to the teachers who are at the forefront of providing children with the most stimulating experiences possible: it is they who have built this programme.

Eco-Schools Partnership Kit

The Partnership Kit includes all relevant information for interested parties to become partners. Turn to the last page to find information about our ongoing projects!

Eco-Schools and the Sustainable Development Goals

This document constitutes Eco-Schools engagement in and contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals.

International School Grounds Month Activity Guide

The International School Grounds Month Activity Guide (2017) includes 76 ideas for use outdoors, written by 51 organisations from 21 countries - Eco-Schools countries included!

Case Studies on Adaptation and Climate Resilience in Schools and Educational Settings

Made as a collaboration between Foundation for Environmental Education, Centre for Environment Education India (CEE) and the Global Centre for Adaptation, this publication contains ideas and actions adopted across the globe.