FEE Academy Course:
Learning & Teaching about the SDGs

This self-paced, online course introduces the Sustainable Development Goals and gives teachers ideas for how to engage their students actively in contributing to the Global Goals.

Direct link to course (first log in to www.feeacademy.global)

Learning Guide - Water

This guide can be a helpful tool to better understand how the Seven Step methodology looks in practice.

You will learn how to address the theme of Water in your school in a fun and engaging way!

Educational Materials

National Wildlife Federation has created a number of lessons that can be used to connect students with the SDGs. You can download the the activities by clicking on the links below.

Climate Action (ages 9-13)

Climate Action (ages 13-18)

Responsible Consumption and Production

Green STEM

How Environment Based Education Boosts Student Engagement and Academic Achievement in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.