Young Climate Leaders in Jordan

The Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan (JREDS), in partnership with the German International Cooperation (GIZ), Ministry of Environment, and the Ministry of Education have initiated a project entitled "Young Climate Leaders; Autumn School".

This project aims to educate youth leaders about Climate Change, enable them capable of understanding and interpreting  the information related to climate change, its consequences in Jordan, and develop visible solutions to mitigate the effects of Climate Change.

Activities include comprehensive training workshops by experts in climate change offered to students from 11 Eco-Schools in Amman. Training includes interactive games aimed to deliver a clear message, knowledge and linkages with the theoretical materials provided.

A competition between the participating students for the best scientific paper on Climate Change will be displayed in the final celebration.

Jordan will consider the Theme of Climate Change as part of the Eco-Schools programme in a framework of developing the implementation of the programme at the national level.