Resources for Reopening Schools

University of California’s Center for Cities and Schools is curating a comprehensive online resource for safer school reopening. It is targeted schools in the USA, but can be useful for any country that face the challenge of reopening schools.

The website contains tools, calculators, estimators, tips and examples of guidance for making schools safer in Covid-19-era reopening. It can help schools figure out aerosol spread, classroom capacity, ventilation rates, mask usage, food service, cleaning, school bus protocols, and more. It even has tips for parents.

Importantly, outdoor classrooms have their own section with links to both the comprehensive and highly useful site developed by Green Schoolyards America and its Covid-19 Outdoor Learning Initiative allies, and the NAAEE/NWF guide for advocating for outdoor classroom policy reforms and funding.

Find all the resources here.

Image from website.

Image from website.